Live Litter-Free

Hover Cat Seat is the first toilet-trainer for cats that humans can sit on too. It's fail-proof, easy to learn and puts an end to using a litter box.

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Litter Stinks

Litter is messy, expensive and bad for the environment. Say goodbye to scooping and changing the dirty litter box with Hover Cat Seat.

Humans Can Use it Too

Hover Cat Seat is a dedicated toilet lid that doesn't have to be removed before you go. Your cat uses the top lid and humans use the regular toilet seat.

Complete Training Kit

In just 1 month you can train your cat to comfortably use the toilet. They'll start using it from day-1 and they get more comfortable over time without every needing litter again.

Don't miss out

We'll have a limited number of Super Early Bird Rewards when we launch on Kickstarter, don't miss out and sign up today!